KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
“By being accepted to work on TESLA project, The H2020 EU Marie Curie ITN, which is one of the best European project in my field of study with its distinguished partners, I got the opportunity to apply my knowledge on practical application which was always my dream. This project creates a positive environment for me to flourish my talents and do my best.”
Armin Karimi, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Armin Karimi was born in Kermanshah, Iran; he received his Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering with focus on Communication Engineering from University of Tehran, Iran in 2016. He also obtained his Master degree in Electrical Engineering with focus on Electromagnetic Engineering from University of Tehran in 2019. The main focus of his studies was RF & microwave engineering. During this time, he has gained an excellent knowledge in mm-Wave and microwave active and passive components, antennas, filters, imaging systems and electromagnetic phenomena.
Currently, he is a PhD student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, as a part of the TESLA project H2020-MSCA-ITN. He will be working on “3D MEMS devices for low loss, low weight reconfigurable satellites.” the main purpose of this project is to lower the losses and weight of various components to relax the design process.
Armin’s supervisor is Prof. Joachim Oberhammer, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden