
TESLA will  implement a unique cross-disciplinary and cross-sectorial underpinned by the recent vision for Europe on open innovation, open science and open to the world with the objectives to train the next generation of creative, entrepreneurial and innovative satellite communication developers. 

The aim of the project is to provide all network ESRs with broad training in transferable skills to enhance career perspectives in both the academic and non-academic sectors, ensure that all network ESRs have the opportunity to complete a full PhD degree program, enhance the European space economy and business through the provision of highly skilled and mobile researchers, and to expose young researchers in extensive public engagement and outreach activities for wider economic and social impact.

A diverse and exciting training programme

The aim of the TESLA Training Network will be to ensure that all network ESRs have the opportunity to complete a full PhD degree programme that will in turn enhance the European space economy and business through the provision of highly skilled and mobile researchers.


TESLA local network activities

Network wide

TESLA network wide activities


ESR and TESLA participant