On Monday, February 13, 2023, the doctoral examination of Luke Robins took place at the Institute of Microwave and Photonic Engineering (IHF) at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz). According to the regulations of TU Graz, this final examination in the doctoral studies consisted of two parts, a presentation by Luke Robins on his doctoral thesis entitled: “Additive manufacturing of ceramic-based dielectrics for resonators, waveguides, and RF filters” and an oral examination on the subject area of the thesis by the board of examiners. The doctoral examination was followed by an overall assessment which revealed that Luke Robins passed with distinction and obtained the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences – Congratulations!
Guest Lecture by Prof. Tomassoni
Alongside Prof. Uwe Schichler (Dean of Studies) and Prof. Wolfgang Bösch (Head of the Institute), Prof. Cristiano Tomassoni (University of Perugia, Italy) was the statutory necessary examiner from outside TU Graz that served as a member of the examination committee. The IHF took the opportunity of the physical presence of this renowned filter expert in Graz and invited him to give a guest lecture.
In his guest lecture, Prof. Tomassoni highlighted the possibilities and challenges of different additive manufacturing (AM) technologies and presented successful filter realizations that take advantage of the versatility of AM. The talk was especially targeted at the PhD students from IHF, and Prof. Tomassoni took the time to answerer all their questions in detail.
As well as the guest talk and doctoral examination, time allowed a lab and campus tour and a fruitful exchange between guest lecturer and members of the institute on this sunny February day in Graz.