ESR 11: Arash Arsanjani, Graz University of Technology
I believe that the TESLA International training network is one of the best programs for doctoral students. This program will help me broaden my experience on an international level and allow me to find more connection to the industry around Europe. Being able to connect and being trained by numerous companies and universities can help me to bring my experience and talent to an international level.
Arash Arsanjani, Graz University of Technology (TU Graz), Austria
Arash Arsanjani was born in Kerman, Iran; he received his Bachelor degree from Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman in 2015. He later received his Master title from K. N. Toosi University of Technology in 2018. The main focus of his studies was RF & microwave engineering. During this time, he has gained an excellent knowledge of microwave passive and active components, mm-wave antennas and graphene technologies for Terahertz applications. He was part of several research groups to work on the latest research topics.
Currently, Arash is a Ph.D. student at Graz University of Technology in Austria. His project has the title “Design of mm-wave passive components in semi-planar technology” and has the goal to improve the losses compared to purely planar technologies and integrate tuning elements to obtain an adaptive response.