TESLA Management Structure
TESLA Management Group: Project Co-ordinator (Jaisheng Hong, HWU), Project Manager (Lucy Bryden, HWU) and Work Package Leaders (Michael Höft, CAU; Cristiano Tomassoni, UNIPG; Joachim Oberhammer, KTH; Vincente Boria, UPV; Miguel Laso, UPNA; Reinhard Teschl, TU GRAZ; and Nicolas Delhote, UNILIM
TESLA Training Co-ordination Group: Chair: Miguel Laso, UPNA; Project Manager (Lynn Smith, HWU) Project Co-ordinator (Jaisheng Hong, HWU); and, Nicolas Delhote (UNILIM)
Research Co-ordination Group (RCG): Chair: Vincente Boria ,UPV; Michael Höft (CAU), Joachim Oberhammer (KTH) and Cristiano Tomassoni (UNIPG).
Student-Supervisor Liaison Committee (SSLC): Nicolas Delhote (UNILIM) leads this Committee.
Luke Robins, Technical University of Graz, is the ESR Representative
Outreach Co-ordination Group (OCG): Chair: Reinhard Teschl TU GRAZ; Nicolas Delhote (UNILIM) and Lucy Bryden (HWU).