KTH Royal Institute of Technology
“The H2020 EU Marie Curie ITN project is one of the best European projects with numerous elite professors and excellent professional Ph.D. students in my field of study. It creates an ideal environment to complete my education and become an excellent RF and microwave designer whilst providing me with the opportunity to work with a number of European partners. Furthermore, Space always has been one of my favourite areas and being part of this future satellites project will provide me with the chance to reach my ambitions!”
Mohammad Mehrabi Gohari, Early Stage Researcher
Mohammad Mehrabi was born in Kerman, Iran. He received his B.Sc. degree in Electrical engineering-communication from Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman in 2015 and his M.Sc. degree in Electrical engineering-electromagnetic field and wave from Iran University of science and technology in 2018. In August 2019 he started my PhD at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, as part of the TESLA project H2020-MSCA-ITN.
He currently works at School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of KTH where he will do research in RF microwave circuit, low phase noise oscillators, microwave filters, SIW structures, multi-mode resonators, microwave power amplifier and metamaterial absorbers. Mohammad has also proposed a new transition for multilayer oscillators.
Mohammad’s supervisor is Prof. Joachim Oberhammer
KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)