Joachim Oberhammer, born in Italy in 1976; M.Sc. EE from Graz University of Technology, Austria, in 2000; Ph.D. from KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden, in 2004. Post-doctoral research fellow at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in 2004, and at Kyoto University, Japan, in 2008. Since 2005 leading radio-frequency/microwave/terahertz micro-electromechanical systems research at KTH; Associate Professor at KTH in 2010; Professor in Microwave and THz Microsystems at KTH since 2015. Guest researcher at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in 2007; guest researcher at NASA-Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA, in 2014.
He is author and co-author of more than 100 reviewed research papers and holds 4 patents. In 2004, 2007, and 2008 he got an award by the Ericsson Research Foundation, a grant by the Swedish Innovation Bridge, and a scholarship by the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, respectively. The research work he is heading received six Best Paper Awards (five of which at IEEE conferences), and four IEEE Graduate Fellowship Awards (by MTT-S and by AP-S) since 2009. He served as TPRC member of IEEE Transducers (2009, 2015, 2019), IEEE International Microwave Symposiums (2010-2018), IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (2011, 2012), IEEE Radio and Wireless Week (2015, 2016), EuMCE (2019). Dr Oberhammer is Steering Group member of the IEEE MTT-S and AP-S Chapers Sweden since 2009. In 2013, he received an ERC Consolidator Grant by the European Research Council. Steering Group Member of the Young Academy of Sweden 2014-2016. Representative of Sweden/Norway/Iceland in the European Microwave Association 2016-2018. Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology since 2018.
Major projects as PI (general or for KTH):
- H2020 MSCA-ITN-ETN “TESLA”, 2019-2022, EUR 542 000 (KTH share)
- H2020 RIA project “Car2TERA”, 2019-2021, EUR 965 000 (KTH share)
- H2020 MSCA-ITN-ETN “CELTA”, 2016-2020, EUR 269 000 (KTH share)
- SSF (Swedish Research Foundation for Strategic Research) Framework Grant Elektronics&Photonics, 2014-2019, EUR 3.5 million (PI)
- H2020 RIA project “M3TERA”, 2015-2018, EUR 986 000 (KTH share)
- ERC Consolidator Grant 2013 (2014-2019), “TERAMICROSYS”, EUR 1.72 million (PI)
- KAW project “THzBridge” (2014-2019), EUR 650 000 (KTH share)
- Vinnova/NORDITE research project 2006-2010, EUR 2.4 million (PI)
PhD thesis: click to download
Publication list: for an (almost) complete list of publications, click on the link publication list to the right (KTH DIVA publication database). A selection of some very recent publications is listed below, partly including their final (pre-print) manuscripts according to the IEEE open-access agreement:
- Adrian Gomez, and Joachim Oberhammer, “Compact silicon-micromachined wideband 220 – 330GHz turnstile orthomode transducer (OMT),” IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 38-46, Nov. 2018.
- Oleksandr Glubokov, Xinghai Zhao, James Campion, Umer Shah, and Joachim Oberhammer, “Micromachined Filters at 450 GHz With 1% Fractional Bandwidth and Unloaded Q beyond 700,” IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 106-108, Oct. 2019.
- Bernhard Beuerle, James Campion, Umer Shah, and Joachim Oberhammer, “A very low-loss 220–325 GHz silicon micromachined waveguide technology,” IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 258-260, Jan. 2018.
- Umer Shah, Theodore Reck, Henrik Frid, Cecile Jung-Kubiak, Goutam Chattopadhyay, Imran Mehdi, and Joachim Oberhammer, “A 500-750 GHz RF MEMS Waveguide Switch,” IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol. 7, no. 3, May 2017.
- Fritzi Töpfer, Lennart Emtestam, and Joachim Oberhammer, “Long-Term Monitoring of Skin Recovery by Micromachined Microwave Near-Field Probe,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 26, no. 7, 2017.
- Umer Shah, Member, Emmanuel Decrossas, Cecile Jung-Kubiak, Theodore Reck, Goutam Chattopadhyay, Imran Mehdi, and Joachim Oberhammer, “Submillimeter-Wave 3.3-bit RF MEMS Phase Shifter Integrated in Micromachined Waveguide,” IEEE Transactions on THz Science and Technology, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 706-715, Sept. 2016.
- Fritzi Töpfer and Joachim Oberhammer, “Millimeter-wave tissue diagnosis,” IEEE Microwave Magazine (invited), vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 97-113, March 2015.
- Fritzi Töpfer, Sergey Dudorov, and Joachim Oberhammer, “Millimeter-Wave Near-Field Probe Designed for High-Resolution Skin Cancer Diagnosis,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 63, no. 6, pp. 2050-2059, June 2015.