TESLA ESR Representative

Luke Robins, TESLA Fellow, represents the TESLA Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) in his role as ESR Representative for the Student-Supervisor-Liaison Committee (SSLC). The SSLC will be organized and chaired by Luke, who will be invited to attend the TESLA Supervisory Board (SB) meetings, represent the views of the ESR colleagues at the meetings as well as feedback information to the fellows as appropriate.

“Let’s work together to make the most of the opportunity we have been given in TESLA. The students can collectively help each other to stay motivated, resolve issues and implement ideas to make the project a success. I am always available to assist any of the group by providing a confidential way to take up problems, shortcomings or anything else with the management team of the project. I am excited to be in a position to highlight and fulfill the needs of the students.  ”

Luke Robins, TESLA ESR Representative

Luke is currently working towards a Doctor of Technical Sciences at Graz University of Technology. The focus of his PhD is “Additive manufacturing of non-planar microwave passive components”. The project aims to leverage the strengths of additive manufacturing for use in satellite communications applications. The target is to reduce the cost, complexity and current challenges of the manufacturing process while improving repeatability, stability and performance of the components.

The SSLC encourages fellows to collaborate and engage with the wider TESLA network and provides a platform for ongoing discussion and an opportunity for Fellows to ask questions. Luke is the first point of contact and welcomes the opportunity to coordinate with the ESR to maximize the experience and benefits from the ITN during the next three years while actively assisting the resolution of problems. There are many common questions and problems in any diverse group, especially in the beginning stages of projects. Having the opportunity to discuss issues, ideas and requests in a peer group and then taking them up in an anonymous representative manner will greatly increase the creative potential and speed up solving of the burning issues of the group. The SSLC should strive to encourage creativity, problem solving and sharing within the project and building a strong network for the future.

Luke also has a personal web page