Heriot-Watt University
The TESLA Project is an attractive position for me because of its comprehensive training and various resources for early stage researcher. The project provides many opportunities for international research and cross-country learning exchanges which is the experience to broaden my horizon and knowledge. It will help me to get in touch with the latest advanced technology and knowledge in the world and be helpful for my future research.
Yifang Wei, Early Stage Researcher
Yifang was born in Nanjing, China. During his undergraduate study in China he spent a semester as an exchange student at the University of Dayton in the USA in 2016. After completing his four-year study in Electrical Engineering at Nanjing University of Science and Technology he continued to study at University of Dayton and obtained his masters’ degree in Electrical Engineering. During his masters’ degree study he joined a research group about varactor and its applications on antenna. In July 2019, Yifang started my PhD at the Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, UK as part of the TESLA project H2020-MSCA-ITN.
In his project, top-notch research into new and enabling technologies for satellite applications will be conducted. In particular, Yifang will investigate advanced reconfigurable RF components and sub-systems such as highly integrated compact lightweight RF switch matrices for flexible payloads. This includes theoretical study, circuit modelling, electromagnetic simulation and design, as well as experimental validation and demonstration.
Yifang’s supervisor is Prof. Jaisheng Hong, Heriot-Watt University (HWU)