
TESLA aims to develop outreach activities with associated training and materials allowing members of the TESLA network to engage EU citizens, policy makers and the general public with the results and wider scientific context of their research. TESLA Outreach is led by Dr. Reinhard Teschl Technische Universität Graz Some outreach activities are also detailed in the TESLA news section of this website


Girls' Day at Kiel University

On 27th of April 2023 a Girls’ Day takes place at CAU. The faculty of engineering offers various activities including the Chair of Microwave Engineering offering a TESLA related activity. Since it will take place in German language, it will be handled by the team member and PhD student Fynn Kamrath. Announcement of this activity in German language:

https://www.tf.uni-kiel.de/de/studium/studieninteressierte-schuelerinnen/girls-day/etit/Ohne-Mikrowellenfilter-keine-Mobile phones

Translated version: “No mobile phones without microwave filters

Up to 50 microwave filters are installed in a mobile phone. These ensure that only the desired signals are transmitted and interfering signals are attenuated. Without the filters, the mobile phone would not function. Accordingly, high-frequency technology has become an indispensable part of our everyday lives. It not only enables telephony with the mobile phone or surfing through the WLAN, but is also used in radar systems, sensors, humidity measurements and many other areas. In Microwave Engineering we focus on these topics in particular. During a short thematic introduction we discuss how microwave filters work and then take a tour through our lab. Afterwards we will build our own filters and measure them. After lunch, we will look at how tunable filters are constructed and how they are used. Afterwards, we will use a radar system to convert human motion into music. Of course, you are welcome to ask questions to our PhD students and undergraduates.

The event is aimed at female students in 8th grade and above.”


Professor Laso goes back to school!

During the course of the TESLA project, Prof. Laso has been taken part in the Charlas Científicas programme of UPNA, which consists of talks and hands-on activities run at secondary schools in Navarra. Students are boys and girls between 12 and 18 years old (ESO and Bachillerato students).

During his talk, Prof. Laso discusses the use of satellites for communications, Earth Observation, navigation or science and introduces the students to some of the most exciting missions of the European Space Agency, including the human exploration of our Solar System.

He also mentions the research that his group at UPNA is doing and gives some basic info on the TESLA consortium and its technical aims, showing some of the prototypes that ESR2 and ESR3 have developed.

He also presents the resources that ESA offers to young students and kids and he lets their teachers know about the CanSat project and other ESA initiatives. More info about the Charlas Científicas programme (in Spanish) at https://www.charlascientificas.com/


3D Printed Moon Base workshop

Luke Robins from TU Graz came up with a space themed workshop to highlight the used for 3D printing in a space context. This workshop is being run in conjunction with Linlithgow museum and an artist, Jen Collier, on the 15th February 2023. The workshop is aimed at children aged 8+ and their parents/ carers.



Youtube video of making MOON BASE 

GRAZ Electrical Engineering day Sep 22

On September 26th and 27th 2022, the Electrical Engineering Day took place at Graz University of Technology Read more

French National Microwave week at University of Limoges June 2022

TESLA participated at the French microwave week https://jnm2022.sciencesconf.org/ 

500+ people – academics, industries and French agencies from the French microwave community gather to showcase microwave related research.

IMS Denver June 2022 TESLA

TESLA had a poster booth at IMS Denver 2022 to showcase project results. Posters displayed were as follows: TESLA Banner , TESLA Overview , TESLA Supervisors and ESRs , TESLA Work Package 1 , TESLA Work Package 2 , TESLA Work Package 3 , TESLA Work Package 4

In addition a number of TESLA  ESRs and Supervisors were presenting at the conference and also took part in a TESLA related workshop WMA “Advanced Manufacturing and Design Techniques for Emerging 3D Microwave and Millimeterwave RF Filters”, cochaired by Michael Höft . The proposal for this workshop is available via Filter workshop proposal IMS2022


Long night of research - Lange nacht der Forschung LNF22 May 22

The Tesla consortium took part in LNF22, the biggest event on research and science communication in the German-speaking area. Read more

Expert Panel - 5G/6G and GHz applications
27th June 22


 All the ESRs presented their work at a virtual TESLA workshop held on 9th December 2021. Full details of the workshop  given on the day can be found at TESLA Meeting timetable and abstracts . Links  to the presentations can be found by clicking on the title of the relevant abstract. Recordings can be found by clicking video links under the outreach tab.



Additive manufacturing in space – moulding the way to build lighter, flexible, and cost-efficient satellite systems

Ariane 5 ECA flight VA214, Alphasat (Credit: ESA)

Jabir Hussain, TESLA Ph.D. Fellow/ Early Stage Researcher at the Microwave Components Group (MCG), Department of Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering, Public University of Navarre (UPNA) has written an Outreach article for his host University website. You can read more about Additive Manufacturing in space-moulding on the UPNA website. 

A shift from small constellation system of large satellites towards large constellation system of small satellites in space architecture

Abdul Sami, TESLA Ph.D. Fellow/ Early Stage Researcher at the Microwave Components Group (MCG), Department of Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering, Public University of Navarre (UPNA) has written an Outreach article for his host University website. You can read more about satellites towards large constellations on the UPNA website. 

European Night of Researchers

The University of Perugia participated in the “SHARPER”,  European Night of Researchers. “SHARPER” (SHAring Researchers’ Passion for Enhanced Roadmaps) is the name of one of the Italian projects supported by the European Commission for the implementation of the European Researchers. In this ambit, the University of Perugia organized an event on September 27th 2019 ( see flyer). This event was attended by several hundreds of people. During this event the European Corner was organized from 5PM to 11PM. Cristiano Tomassoni was invited as a TESLA manager at the European Corner in order to talk with attendees about the Marie Skłodowska-Curie program in general and about the TESLA project in particular.

During the event Cristiano Tomassoni was also interviewed by a radio (Radiophonica Perugia) and the interview can be found on youtube EU Corner: Cristiano Tomassoni

TESLA Radio interview

On May 19th 2019 Cristiano Tomassoni (University of Perugia TESLA lead) was interviewed by Umbria Radio about the TELSA project. The interview can be found here: TESLA Radio Interview in Italian