Joachim Oberhammer
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan
Research project:Micromachined millimetre and submillimetre-wave filters for communication satellites and space-born remote sensing (WP3, WP1)
Research project: 3D micromachined micromechanics for low-loss, low-weight re-configurable satellites (WP1, WP3)

Cristiano Tomassoni
Universita Degli Studi di Perugia
Research Project: Design of mm-wave passive components in semi-planar technology (WP3, WP4)
Research Project: High performance miniaturized component for aerospace applications (WP2, WP3)

Nicolas Delhote
Universite de Limoges
Research project:Advanced materials for high power components (WP4, WP1)
Research project: Development of topology optimization tools for RF components (WP4, WP2)

Reinhard Teschl
Technische Universität Graz
Research project:Additive manufacturing of non-planar microwave passive components (WP2, WP4)
Research project: Design of mm-wave passive components in semi-planar technology (WP3, WP4)

Miguel A.G. Laso
Universidad Publica de Navarra
Research project: Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Components aiming for an Easy Fabrication (WP4, WP2)
Research project: New Design Techniques of Space Systems suitable for Additive Manufacturing in the context of Large Platforms (WP2, WP4)

Michael Hoft
Cristian-Albrechts Universitaet Kiel
Research project:Millimetre wave hardware for the next generation W band satellite communication systems
Research project: Synthesis, design and fabrication of novel tunable components for satellite communication (WP1, WP4)

Vincente Boria
Universitat Politècnica de València
Research project: Synthesis and design of reconfigurable topologies for high-power filters and multiplexers (WP4, WP1)
Research project: Novel technologies for miniaturized passive components and sub-systems with tuning capabilities (WP1, WP2)

Jiasheng Hong
Project Co-ordinator
Heriot-Watt University
Research project: Highly integrated compact lightweight switch matrix technology (WP1, WP3)