Tesla logo competition!
The winning logo!!!
Students from the Instituto Tecnico Tecnologico Statale (ITIS) took part in an exciting competition to design a logo for the TESLA project. The competition was organised by Prof. Fabrizio Capaccioni and Prof. Raffaela Franchini. The TMG met at the project Kick Off Meeting to judge the logos and all agreed that it was difficult to decide on a winner as the standard was so high. The winning logo by Salucci has pride of place on the project website!
Thank you to all Prof. Fabrizio Capaccioni, Prof. Raffaela Franchini and all the wonderful students for taking part in this fantastic competition as part of TESLA!

The TESLA Kick Off meeting was a huge success!
The TESLA-Kick-Off meeting took place at Heriot-Watt University (HWU) on Thursday 28thFebruary 2019. The meeting was an opportunity for members of the TMG to present their ideas and their vision for the project.
Each WP leader presented an overview of the work package and its associated tasks, deliverables and milestones and discussions surrounding the interactions between different WPs in relation to the execution of the deliverables.
The afternoon session was structured to allow opportunities for collaboration and discussion with Recruitment and Management Structure.
The KOM ended with a social dinner at The Grain Store in Edinburgh. For some TESLA members this was their first visit to Edinburgh!

First lego League!

Congrats to the LCTeam from Colegio Luis Amigó (Secondary Education School) in Pamplona, Spain, which recently won the First Lego League (FLL) regional competition (province of Burgos). Not only this, but they also won the Global Innovation Award at the same competition! This year’s First Lego League challenge was INTO ORBIT. The students’ project assignment for the INTO ORBIT season was to identify a physical or social problem faced by humans during long duration space exploration within our Sun’s solar system and propose a solution. Ander Otero (17, 1º Bachillerato), Daniel Zabalza (16, 1º Bachillerato), Iñigo Varela (16, 1º Bachillerato), and AsierMartínez (17, 2º Bachillerato) proposed the scientific project called SCEP (Space Crofts for Edible Printing) which was supervised by Professor Miguel A. G. Laso, from the Microwave Components Group at UPNA, one of TESLA’s partners. The project aimed to improve the quality of life of astronauts by proposing a sustainable mechanism for the 3D printing of edible daily-life objects. On behalf of all TESLA partners, best of luck to Ander, Daniel, Iñigo, and Asier for the Spanish and international finals.
Prof. Miguel Laso’s article, ‘Shaping the Future of RF/Microwave Components’ has been published in this month’s edition of Satellite Pro Magazine!
Prof. Miguel Laso’s article, ‘Shaping the Future of RF/Microwave Components’ has been publishedthis article Prof. Laso looks at some of the key technologies that are shaping the future of the RF/ microwave passive components onboard satellites. Read the full article is on Page 26!